Board of Directors

Janine Edge
Janine Edge is an Edmund Hillary Fellow with a focus on enhancing education in New Zealand schools for mental well-being. She is Chairman of the Scientific and Medical Network Charitable Trust in the UK, which has as its aim transformative learning and change.
Until 2020 Janine lived in the UK where she was formerly a partner of a London law firm, an accredited practicing mediator and a university Fellow in Organisational Psychology on an MBA programme. She has an MSc in Consciousness and Transpersonal Psychology from Liverpool John Moores University, and an MA in Philosophy and Law from Cambridge University.
Janine has worked as a volunteer for the Peace Foundation for over a decade. She facilitated the connection with the Resolution Institute which enabled professional mediators to coach students through mediation role plays as part of the secondary school training. She also has a keen interest in play-writing, improvisation and performance as a way to accelerate learning.

Rosemary Hunt
Rosemary is an Auckland based mediator and consultant. She has had a diverse career which has allowed her to develop a blend of technical analytical skills and pragmatic relationship building skills. She began her career as an accountant with Deloitte in New Zealand in the audit area and then moved to the Consulting division with Deloitte UK. Four children, two countries and quite a few years later she returned to University in Auckland and fulfilled a long held wish to study law.
Her extensive and diverse experience with many different types of organisations and people led her to mediation and she has been an accredited professional member of the Resolution Institute since 2017. Recently, she believes that there has been a ground shift in New Zealand towards a more consultative, kinder way of working. She is optimistic that much can be achieved and that schools and children are the ideal place in which to begin.
“Mau te rourou, naku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi”
Your contribution and my contribution will provide sufficient for all.

Pete hall
Council Member
Pete has more than 20 years experience in education. Beginning as a teacher and eventually as a primary school principal, Pete has led and supported Peace Education at all levels in a variety of schools.
He has seen the benefits of a Cool Schools Peer Mediation Team and has joined his leadership team in training in Restorative Practice, and conflict resolution.
Now leading a company in the private sector, Pete is proud to be supporting the Peace Foundation and the contribution they make in communities across New Zealand. ;

Council Member

Ian Upton
Council Member
Ian was born in Palmerston North and worked mostly in transportation including trucking, bus, and taxi. Ian was also a driving Instructor for the Austin Assembly Plant, worked with the Marsden Power Station, and the Royal Melbourne Hospital.

Tamkeen Saeid
Council Member
Tamkeen Saeid is a lawyer and former Peace Foundation employee. Having spent three years as the Youth Programmes Ambassador, she has grown a passion and love for the work our team does. She has grown up in West Auckland as a refugee from Afghanistan and has been involved in refugee and social justice advocacy her whole life. She cares deeply for our rangatahi and is invested in making sure our future generations have the skills and resources to become true peace ambassadors in their communities.

Pierre lyndon
Council Member
Tena koutou katoa, my name is Pierre Lyndon. I am a teacher of English at a Te Reo Maori immersion school. I am also a proud father of some wonderful tamariki. I am from the Ngati Whatua branch of Ngati Hine. I have had experience in media, the public service, engineering and education. I had a rural upbringing in Te Reo and Tikanga Maori.

Council Member
Dr. Jo Diamond is a highly qualified and experienced cultural advisor, specialising in Māori and other Indigenous cultures. She has worked for many educational institutions and organisations, including the Peace Foundation, in this capacity. She would provide an extensive koha to the Foundation’s governance, helping to build Māori culture programs in the interests of peace amongst all peoples of Aotearoa and beyond.