Our Kaupapa

The Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme for primary schools and the Leadership through Peer Mediation (LtPM) for secondary schools continue to be the core kaupapa for the Peace Foundation.  We are fortunate to have funding from Te Whatu Ora (Health New Zealand) which provides annually 30 trainings in new schools and 40 revisits in schools who have previously done their training and need further support.

The Peace Foundation has a team of six facilitators, three in the South Island and three in the North Island, who are available to provide training in primary and secondary schools nationwide.  Visit our website for more information on the team: OUR FACILITATORS.

A recent and successful development is our new School Membership system. This provides an efficient database for the Foundation. When schools book training with the Peace Foundation, they must apply online for School Membership.  A small fee of $75.00 is paid and a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) is signed by the school principal.  This gives ākonga (learners) and kaiako (teachers) access to training videos and additional resources, necessary for the successful implementation of Cool Schools or LtPM programmes. There is also an online shop.

Note: Schools cannot access our online shop or resources unless they have School Membership.


End of Year Financial Recap


Between the 1st of July 2023 and the 30th of June 2024, the Cool Schools programme for primary schools and LtPM programmes were successfully delivered to a total of 163 schools throughout New Zealand.

A total of 573 teachers and 684 students were trained and gained invaluable skills in peaceful conflict resolution, assisting them to build positive and caring relationships with others.

Youth Peace Week

The theme for this year’s Youth Peace Week from August 4th to 10th was “Whakanuia Rongonui Mā, Teitei Mā, te Hunga i Hohou i te Rongo”, “Celebrating Peace Icons: Past, Present, and Future.” Our theme honoured those who have made a difference and who show us that peace is about justice, kindness, and respect. From peace icons who focus on areas from human rights…

School News

The Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme for primary schools and the Leadership through Peer Mediation (LtPM) for secondary schools continue to be the core kaupapa for the Peace Foundation.  We are fortunate to have funding from Te Whatu Ora (Health New Zealand) which provides annually 30 trainings in new schools and 40 revisits in schools who…

2024 Youth Peace Symposium

On Friday 16th August the Peace Foundation hosted its 20th Youth Peace Symposium at the Western Springs Community Garden Halls. Over 200 students and educators from across Aotearoa gathered to connect and explore the theme Celebrating Peace Icons: Past, Present, and Future. The symposium, our largest yet, was…

Cool Schools Workshop

Cool Schools Coordinator Workshops are a new Peace Foundation initiative. These workshops provide an affordable and manageable training and resources for primary schools wishing to introduce Peer Mediation. This year’s workshops have been..


This dynamic pair left a huge legacy. Over a six-month period: they assisted with research
into the impact of Cool Schools programmes in primary schools; developed reports on Cool
Schools and LtPM programmes; and an accountability report for…

Pauline Tangiora

Did you know that one of the Peace Foundation NZ’s patrons is Pauline Tangiora? Pauline is a respected Māori elder of Ngāti Rongomaiwahine, on the East Coast. Now, Pauline lives a slower and quieter life in Mahia, however, …

Did you know?

Don’t miss the exciting events and opportunities at the Peace Foundation! Explore how our services can benefit you today! …